Thanksgiving Ball Silent Auction - Nomination of projects for 2015

In 2015, AmCham Board proposed to dedicate funds (CZK 200,000) raised during the auction in 2014 forSchool projects which:

  • use digital technology to increase public access and participation in local communities and
  • support high school and university students’ using technology to solve community problems.

How AmCham members can participate:

  1. Help us identify and develop projects for Silent Auction donations – please suggest project by sending an email at
  2. Send us short description of the project, school/NGO/town involved in the project, why you recommend this project/why this project should be selected. Send us contacts/email contact/phone to school/project coordinator.
  3. Deadline for nomination of the projects - October 20, 2015

For more information, please, send us an email at All about One World Many Voices, last year projects & Videos  -  HERE




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