In this report, we looked at median wages and employment in the Czech manufacturing sector at the national level, and also in selected regions - Prague, Central Bohemia, South Bohemia, Plzensky and Ustecky region, South Moravian, Olomoucky, Zlinsky and Moravian-Silesian regions.
Executive scorecard
Wages. Nation-wide, both in the 2016-20 and 2011-20 period, median wages have risen for all six occupational categories monitored within this report (white collar—managers, professionals, technicians, and blue collar—clerical jobs, craftsmen and plant/machine operators/assemblers.
Managers experienced a 44% increases in wages during the 2016-2020. The other five professions’ wages increased between 26-29%.
Wage growth did not occur equally among regions in Bohemia and Moravia.
Employment. Between 2016-2020, employment in manufacturing dropped by a little over 5%. That decrease was shaped by a 16% drop in managerial jobs and a 15% drop in craftsmen employment. Assembler jobs increased by almost 4% and professional employ by 2%. In almost all categories, 2020 marked a substantial decrease in jobs.
Manufacturing Workforce by Attained Education. In 2019, Prague, Central Bohemian, South Bohemian, Plzensky and all four Moravian regions had the largest share of employees with attained tertiary education (above 11% of the manufacturing workforce, with Prague at 31%).
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