Current Master Plan of Prague outlines the growth of the city only to its borders. We need to include the outskirts in order to let Prague grow sustainably. On February 8, Adam Scheinherr, Prague’s Deputy Mayor for Transportation, and City Councillor Lenka Burgerová (both Praha Sobě) were our guests at another round of AmCham talks with City Hall representatives on key issues.
“Inside the city we have a good share of people using public transport (46%), walking to work (30%), using cars (25%), cycling (1-2%), but outside of Prague this share is reversed, with 46% people driving to Prague by cars,” A.Scheinherr said. "The problem we have to deal with now is on the border of the city," he adds.
The City also started intensive talks with administration of railways (SŽDC) aiming at increasing the capacity of Prague railway system, to improve the situation for commuters using public transportation as well as for the commercial/logistics system.
Join us on February 13 for a discussion on transportation with Pirate party representative Viktor Mahrik.
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