AmCham advocacy team have prepared a report on population and employment trends. This report is the first of series addressing the development of the Czech employment and compensation market. The reports start at the national and general economic level; as they progress, they will go into more detail about specific economic sectors, occupations, and regions.
Key findings:
Over the next months, the AmCham advocacy team, in cooperation with expert members, will present a series of reports of the Czech workforce, starting with a national picture and working down into detail about regions, cities, and economic sectors. The reports will begin with two country studies: one on population trends and economic activity by gender and age, and the second on employment according to size of enterprise and occupation. The reports will then shift to economic activity (including manufacturing, construction, information & communication, hospitality, and real estate). Finally, the reports will focus on Prague, Brno and important industrial regions. Only the reports by sector and region will address compensation, as national averages do not reflect the high regional variation.
Full version of the report is available here.
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