Overview: Czech Political Party Positions - by Party & by Issue

A general election will be held on 20-21 October 2017. What are Czech political parties up to?

You can download each party´s position on important economic issues by party and by issue by clicking on the pdf files below. The overview includes AmCham CZ advocacy priority areas:




1. European Union

2. High-speed transport network between Prague, Czech cities and other European cities (airport, rail & road), infrastructure

3. Research Policy

4. Investment Incentives

5. Education- especially STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) training

6. Immigration of workers

7. Health Care based on performance outcomes

8. Taxation


The documents below are a selection of major statements, written in the Czech language.

Read full political programs of individual parties: ANO, CSSD, KDU-CSL, KSCM, STAN, ODS, TOP09.


View also AmCham CZ 2017 Prosperity index containing indicators and some conclusions about what areas the next government should address.

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