How much of what Biden wants will Congress give?

On Monday, former Speaker of the House John Boehner and former Chair of the Democratic Caucus Joe Crowley gave AmCham members an insider's overview of the fate of President-elect Joe Biden's economic policy priorities. Both men believe a Covid rescue package will pass, and both also think a deal is possible for modernizing infrastructure. The new president has many strong friendships on both sides of the aisle, and both men speculated that would mean more chances to talk, and raise the chance that deals could be done.


Being a nice guy may not be enough to overcome the alternate universes of reality in the social media swamps stretching across America. Dealmaking the Biden way requires a shared set of facts and a common problem. Cable news and tweeter make it much harder for politicians to search for common ground. A report on the fate of the Biden agenda, including excerpts from this discussion, will be distributed to members the week of his inauguration. 

The event was organized in cooperation with Squire Patton Boggs





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