Government Restrictions of Activities inside the Czech Republic

State of Emergency was declared on March 12 and was terminated on May 17, 2020The government announced on May 11 they were not planning to ask the Chamber of Deputies for extension of the state of emergency. From October 5, Government declared again state of emergency for 30 days, with further extensions. The state of emergency terminated on April 11, 2021. It was reintroduced on November 26, 2021 for 30 days until December 25, 2021, and again from March 4, 2022 for 30 days due the influx of refugees as a ćonsequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, extended until May 31, 2022.. 

Last update on April 20, 2022. 

All current measures in English can be found here. 

Government decrees in English can be found here.



From March 14, the obligation to wear a respirator remains in place for health and social services facilities only..

From March 1, one PCR testing per month has been available to citizens for free.




Based on the Government decision from February 2, mandatory testing of employees at workplace and pupils at schools twice a week was lifted from February 18.

From February 15, 2022 all individuals vaccinated before May 7, 2021 who have not received a booster dose won't be considered as fully vaccinated. Certificate on vaccination is valid for 9 months. Booster dose certificate is valid indefinitely.

Mandatory vaccination was rejected by the new Government. Still, the new PM Petr Fiala urged citizens to register and use one of the available vaccination centers across the country. (Reservation of date, timeRegistration for self-payers, i.e. persons without Czech health insurance. Vaccination, test or recovery certificate download.) 

Foreigners, who are legal long-term residents of the Czech Republic, can have their vaccine covered from the budget of the Ministry of Health and pay only for the actual application of the vaccine.

Registration of children aged 5-11 for vaccination has opened. From January 24, registration for vaccination with booster dose has opened for children aged 12+. (Booster shot is applicable for cases 5 months after their full vaccination.)

Prague Vaccination Portal

Vaccinating Foreign Nationals against Covid-19

Czech Government Vaccination Strategy

EU Strategy for Covid-19 Vaccines

Digital COVID Certificate





Fourteen Day Case Notification Map for Europe (by regions, April 14, 2022), Source: ECDC




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