AmCham tour of ICRC: Without companies, researchers would not be able to deliver innovations to patients and improve their lives

On 5 June, AmCham members took another full-day tour of FNUSA-ICRC clinical and research facilities in St. Anne’s University Hospital and Biology Park in Brno.

Besides the tour, medical staff, research professionals and companies had a chance to exchange experience from their latest activities. They agreed that people – general public and policy makers – need to understand that innovation in health care will benefit the patient. Companies are partners to researchers; without the companies, researchers would not be able to deliver innovations to patients and improve their lives.

Systematic prevention focusing on healthy lifestyle of the population is crucial, but it is not in place and fragmented activities in this field are often carried out by NGOs. There is a need for a policy, a government-led national campaign focused on healthier lifestyle in terms of “Be responsible”.

As neurodegenerative diseases are one of ICRC’s core fields, attention was devoted to current research and clinical experience with ageing. Social and economic impacts of ageing are here to stay and will become a burden.

Czech Republic has a great potential, but it is currently stuck. It needs innovations and real eHealth to move towards quality health care system.


Another good cooperation with FNUSA-ICRC.

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