AmCham Czech Rrepublic has discussed Finland's impressive efforts to digitize their land use with Pekka Virkamäki of the Finnish Ministry of Environment, Anna-Riitta Kallinen of the Finnish Ministry of Finance and Mika Lautanala of the Finnish Embassy in the Czech Republic. Thank you for the discussion!
Finland faced many of the same problems we do now. Digitization helped. Digital modelling (BIM) helps estimate environmental impact, traffic flow, energy use, schooling requirements, as well as reducing the workload and time needed for permitting. BIM helps move decisions about a city's future from opinion to an algorithm-based examination of how communities can develop economically, socially, and environmentally.
Our new Finnish mentors left us with one other innovative idea: the Finnish national government negotiates agreements with cities which send cities more funding in exchange for achieving national development goals. This seems a very pragmatic approach to weave the many municipalities of the present into the Country for the Future.
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