AmCham Energy Outlook: Could Czechia become high-tech, high-efficiency energy supplier?

AmCham held annual AmCham Intel session AmCham Energy Outlook. Our power supply is aging. We will need to replace a majority of our plants by 2050. 

The EU itself, according to one commissioner, will need to invest 500 billion euro to transform the energy sector. What if we used this need, and this transition, to reposition ourselves as a high-tech, high efficiency energy supplier to the region? What if we could become the developer and the producer of key sustainable energy technologies to the world?
This possibility exists. To turn it into a reality will require business and government to place a big bet that Czech minds can create and produce the products that can drive a new era of high-efficiency and high value-added economy. We will make that bet. Who else will?

Thank you, Pavel Cyrani of ČEZ, Philippe Ducom of ExxonMobil, and Václav Bartuška of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for your insights into the current energy issues and trends.



AmCham Intel sessions are economic policy discussions intended to provide data and insights into current trends to improve company leaders' business planning and decision making. 

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