AmCham CZ Workforce Report: Manufacturing: National Employment and Median Wages by Occupation 2011-2017 - analysis

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic prepared an update on the workforce in the Czech manufacturing sector. This report focuses on main trends in employment and median wages in six occupational categories (managers, professionals, technicians, clerical workforce, craftsmen and plant, machine operators and assemblers) in the private sector at the national level.

Key findings:

Employment. In the period 2011-2017, increases were significant for Engineering designers (107%), Lifting truck operators (87.8%), Industrial and production engineers (81%), Supervisors in mechanical engineering (58%), Machinery and technical equipment technicians (43%), Mechanical engineering technicians (39%), and Engineering quality control technicians, laboratory workers (34%), among others.

Employment. In 2017, job growth decelerated for Manufacturing plant/production managers (-19%), Technical development managers (-5.7%), Stock clerks (-2.7%) and Stationary plant/machine operators (-2.6%). Growth stayed flat in Metal, machinery and related trades workers. Overall, 2017 was a year of loss of management jobs (-1.86% yoy) almost to the 2011 level.

Employment. In the three largest employent occupational categories , since 2011 – Metal, machinery and related trades workers stayed flat at 259,000 jobs in 2017,  Stationary plant/machine operators have continued to decrease (to 181,000 jobs in 2017) and Assemblers have continued to increase (to 150, 000 jobs in 2017). 



Wages. In 2011-2017, all occupational categories experienced double digit median wage growth ranging from around 17% (Industrial & production engineers or Manufacturing managers) to around 37%. (Research and development managers, Engineering designers) and Manufacturing laborers’ wages rising by 40% in the period. 

Wages. In 2017, managers in the manufacturing sector saw their wages rise after a meagre growth in 2016. They earned 17% more than professionals, and nearly double the median pay of clerical workers, craftsmen and plant operators, but the pay gap narrowed a little yoy as wages of blue collar workers grew faster than those of managers. 

Wages. In 2017, professionals earned 20% more than technicians, and over 45% more than clerical workers, craftsmen, and plant operators. Mechanical (17.6%) and Design/development engineers (26%) have experienced the highest wage growth since 2011. 

Wages. In the 2011-2017 period, wages of technicians rose at a higher rate than the pay of managers and professionals, but at a lower rate than clerical workers, craftsmen and plant operators. Engineering designers have experienced the highest wage growth since 2011 (+36.5%) and yoy (+12%). 

Wages. Wages for clerical workers are about the same as for craftsmen and plant operators, and 20% less than technicians. 

Wages.  In 2017, as in 2016, the pace in wages for most craftsmen accelerated and employment essentially stayed flat. 

Wages. In the 2011-2017 period, the occupational category Machine operators and assemblers experienced among the highest wage growth of all occupational categories, and topped the wage growth for 2017. Wage growth for Assemblers and Manufacturing laborers continues to be higher than other occupations in the category. This indicates that supply is not meeting demand. 


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