AmCham CZ: Czech workforce report: Employment and wages in the Prague region 2011-2017

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic is publishing another report within its workforce analysis series.

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic is publishing another report within its workforce analysis series.


Key findings:

Employment. White collar jobs constituted 70% of total employment in Prague in 2017.

Employment. Professionals have been the occupational category with the largest increase in absolute numbers in the past years (+15,500 positions in 2015-17) as well as since 2011 (+27,100 positions), followed by technicians (+17,100 positions since 2011; +10,400 in 2015-17). Managers lost 2,900 positions in the 2011-17 period.

Employment. In relative numbers, the largest employment increase in 2017 was recorded in plant, machine operators and assemblers (15.5%) as well as professionals (5.8%). This corresponds with the trend of rising share of professionals on the total employment in Prague (28% in 2011, 31% in 2017). Plant, machine operators, assemblers has made a 7-8% share of the total Prague workforce in the past years). 

Employment. The growth in the category of technicians slowed down in 2017.

Employment. The private sector has been experiencing a downward trend in the number of managers since 2011 (9% and 7.6% of private sector workforce in 2011 and 2017, respectively) and an upward trend in professionals (25.8% and 28.2% of private sector workforce in 2011 and 2017, respectively). 

Employment. Employment has been growing at a faster pace in the private sector than in the public sector, recording a growth by 10% in the 2011-2017 period in the private sector, compared with a 3.9% growth in the public sector in the period. Still, in 2017, employment growth decelerated in the private sector to 4.6% (4.8% in 2016) and accelerated to 0.4% (-0.2% in 2016) in the public sector. 

Wages. Public sector median wages grew in the range of 23% (plant, machine operators, assemblers) to almost 36% (managers) in the 2011-2017 period. Private sector managers’ median wage grew by 1.3% in the period.

Wages. In 2017, Public sector median wages rose by 7.6%-9.7% year-on-year, compared with private sector wage growth by 4.5%-7.1%. 

Wages. In all occupational categories both in the public and private sector, growth of median wages accelerated in 2017 compared with the previous year, except for private sector plant, machine operators and assemblers (9% growth in 2016 and 6.1% growth in 2017). 

Wages. The pay gap between the private and public sector managers has been narrowing in the past years and in 2017, public sector managers for the first time earned higher median wage than their private sector counterparts. In 2011, the ratio private : public median wage of managers was 1.31.

Wages. In 2017, public sector clerical workers along with public sector technicians continued to earn a greater median wage than their private sector counterparts. 

Wages. In 2017, in the private sector, clerical workers earned lower median wage than craftsmen and plant, machine operators, assemblers.


This report was prepared for AmCham members.


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