Nominations for seats on the 2017-19 Board of Directors open this week. All members who are representatives of member companies in good standing may be nominated or apply. Any member representative can nominate another member representative, or themselves. Nominations must be received by email ( or post (AmCham, Dusni 10, 110 00 Praha 1) by 5.00pm, Friday, April 28.
The schedule of the election is proposed as follows:
What do we expect from our board members? They should be considered leaders of the wider business community, and respected experts in their chosen field of business. Board members set the strategic direction of the Chamber, establish advocacy priorities, and help build networks within their industry. All members of the board of directors are expected to contribute to the organization through their own priorities, whether those priorities are in the area of advocacy, managerial best practice, community development, or business networking. The average time commitment of a board member is approximately 6 hours a month.
Nominated board candidates will be elected by the membership in an electronic ballot running from May 8 to June 4. The election will be confirmed at the AmCham General Assembly on June 15th.
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