Use the opportunity to promote your company in our currently prepared publications Czech Republic Overview and Annual Report with lower advertisement prices.
To see more check the document including complete advertising opportunities.
Brief overview of the options:
Czech Republic Overview / An informative brochure about Czech Republic including key economic indicators, data & info about doing business in the CR. Distributed through members, potential members, abroad AmChams, (non-)governmental organizations, embassies, foreign investors…
Annual Report / Report summarizing chamber´s past year´s activities, unveiling plans for the next year and introducing chamber´s member companies. Distributed through membership and potential members, at conferences, to abroad AmChams, Foreign investors…
In all our publications members can advertise their products and services on limited number of publication pages. Companies interested to receive more information or to book the advertisement space can check the prices, distribution places and other specification further in the text or contact Lucie Vrbová at (733 685 318).
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