In order to vote in the November 2016 elections, all overseas U.S. citizens need to have completed a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) in 2016. Whether you are a first-time voter or have already received ballots and voted absentee in past elections, you must complete an FPCA each year to participate in elections as an overseas absentee voter. You can always get voting assistance from the embassy/consulate via email or by appointment in person. If you have never voted while overseas before, the process is easy.
You can drop off your completed voting forms and ballots, addressed to your local election officials, during the following hours: Voters can come to the Embassy any business day (note July 4, 5 and 6 are U.S. and Czech holidays, respectively) from 8:30 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 3 p.m. to drop off forms and ballots. Please bring some form of ID, preferably your U.S. passport. Ballots should be sealed but will be x-rayed. Most are postage-paid but if the envelope indicates it needs a stamp please put one there. We will send them via diplomatic post office (DPO) to the United States. Transit times can vary but may be up to 3-4 weeks so please plan ahead for mailing time.
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