GM Breakfast at Hilton Prague

On March 16, AmCham organized another GM Breakfast for General mangers/CEOs/Owners from different sectors to discuss their business plans & overview for 2016. Many thanks to all of GMs for active participation and discussion at the breakfast and special thanks to Stefan Bauer of Hilton Prague & Christian Schwenke of Hilton Prague Old Town  for hosting this breakfast.

Read more about upcoming activities for General managers/CEOs/Team Leaders/ Heads of branches:

Upcoming activities - click on the date to see speakers & more about content:

  • April1 - Your Competitive Advantage: Customer Loyalty
  • April 12 – GMB
  • April 12 - "True Stories from the Dark Side"
  • April 19 – Leadership meeting: on Dark Side of the Leadership - How to turn the employees´ dark sides into positive and beneficial attributes
  • June 1 - AmCham Golf Team Tournament 2016 - Casa Serena

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