New Year´s GM Evening at Golden Key Hotel

On January 13 we had our first GM evening in 2016. Around 30 GMs/CEOs met to talk to leaders from different business areas. Everything started with a toast by Jiri Gajdosik, Managing Partner of Asten Hotels (hosting member company), continued with a commented tour through Golden Key hotel, then networking & raffle, food and wine. Big thanks goes to Constellation s.r.o. and Asten Hotels s.r.o. which donated gifts to the raffle.

Even though the core of the event was to discuss key issues and prepare plan for this year, everybody has enjoyed the night and left with great mood.
















From the right, one the winners of the raffle Ivan Sagál, Partner at Bird & Bird s.r.o. advokátní kancelář with Jiri Gajdosik and Weston Stacey.


To see all photos from the evening, please click here.

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