2013 Thanksgiving Ball

American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic invites all members to the 2013 Thanksgiving Ball, which will be held on November 23rd at Žofín Palace, Slovanský ostrov 226, Prague 1.

In case you would like to be sure to have the best seating at the 2013 Thanksgiving Ball, you can reserve your Corporate table or Individual tickets at lpokorna@amcham.cz. Reservations of Corporate tables and Individual tickets are open to all members.

Please note, there will be free New Opel Insignia VIP transfer service provided at the occasion of the official car launch in the Czech Republic available. You can reserve free of charge transfer service for the way back during the Thanksgiving Ball directly.



And what can you expect from this year's Ball? Look at the article and links below.

What is the Thanksgiving Ball?


The AmCham Thanksgiving Ball is one of the highlights of Prague’s social calendar with over 500 top businesspeople in attendance that is held annually in the wonderful Žofín Palace. The traditional Thanksgiving dinner is only one part of the Thanksgiving Ball. Then it continues with dance at the Grand Hall, Silent Auction at the Small Hall and Jazz Lounge at the area of the Restaurant.

Purchase a Corporate table is a unique opportunity to invite your business partners and friends. The capacity of one table is ten seats and if the capacity of Grand Hall allows it, members can buy more tables. We also offer Individual tickets.

A Corporate table offers AmCham members a unique opportunity to remind business leaders in the community of your company’s involvement here in the Czech Republic and its support for the Chamber. Benefits of corporate tables include projection of the company logo & Thanksgiving message on plasma screens during the Thanksgiving Ball evening, company name listed in the printed program, company logo placed in the premium flower decoration on the table and prior table location.

A corporate table costs CZK 75,000 (includes VAT) and AmCham will donate CZK 10,000 from every corporate table to its One World, Many Voices program to support  community involvement and civic participation of children at Czech schools. Donation is voluntary, so members can choose the price less the contribution. More information about the program can be found on AmCham website www.amcham.cz or program Facebook pages www.facebook.com/OneWorldManyVoices. Each donor of this contribution is identified in the printed program.

Based on our member’s proposals we decided to offer individual tickets also on the ground floor behind corporate tables. Now you have a chance to reserve individual tickets at the Gallery or individual tickets at the Grand Hall. All seats for individual tickets are placed at the table with ten seats. Price per one ticket at the Grand Hall is CZK 4.500 and the price per one ticket at the Gallery is CZK 2.700 (both include VAT). Also you can reserve your Corporate Table, that is the best way of your company promotion at the Thanksgiving Ball.


Dress code: Black Tie

More details about Thanksgiving Ball can be found here:

Photos from 2012 Thanksgiving Ball
List of members, which participate at the 2013 Thanksgiving Ball

If you would like to know more about the Ball or reserve your seats, please contact Lucie Pokorná at lpokorna@amcham.cz.


Lucie Pokorná
Administration & Events

Mobile: (420) 733 389 373
Tel: (420) 222 329 430
E-mail: lpokorna@amcham.cz

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