2013 AmCham Board of Directors Elections - Nomination Period (April 19 - May 3)

AmCham opens nomination period for 2013 Board of Directors Elections. Representative of a member company in good standing can nominate himself/herself or another representative of a member company in a good standing.

Nominations are supposed to be sent between April 19 and May 3, 2013 to Weston Stacey at wstacey@amcham.cz and to Lucie Vrbová at lvrbova@amcham.cz in a copy.

All nominations must be written on company´s letter head.

All nominees will be contacted to confirm their interest to participate in elections and to deliver their nomination profiles.

For more information please contact Lucie Vrbová, lvrbova@amcham.cz, 733 685 318.

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