Opening the grant competition One World, Many Voices

AmCham is opening a new call for projects that can obtain a grant from AmCham program One World, Many Voices. Thanks to many chamber members, that supported the program by purchasing a corporate table at the Thanksgiving Ball or participating in the Silent Auction, in 2013 we will allocate CZK 537,000 to community projects realized by pupils or students. Main objective of this program is increasing civic participation and involvement in local communities.

I would like to encourage you, AmCham members, to invite Czech public schools, that you might know, to participate in this competition for grants. Classes of public basic schools or public high schools in the Czech Republic can submit their project proposals. Submitted projects have to be beneficial for wider community, and pupils or students have to cooperate with local community and local government representatives while realizing their project. Project grants will be awarded in the range CZK 10.000-100.000 for a project. Deadline for submitting a project proposal is June 17, 2013.

Your company can also contact schools in your surroundings and encourage them to participate in the grant competition and even your company may offer some co-financing of the project. There is also other way how to support some of school projects – tens of projects remained unsupported from last year of the competition. You can see their list and consider supporting some.

Finally, I would like to invite you to follow our facebook page about the program, where you can also find news about projects being realized.

Please see the attached announcement for more information or contact me at


Eva Chvalkovská | Deputy Director
American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
Mobile: (420) 739-357-951

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