2013 best office publication – time for your submissions

AmCham committees have defined major trends which as well as other related aspects will be covered in this year´s publication issue. Overall publication theme for 2013 is Future of Work. Any member company can participate on the preparation of publication´s content – best through attending one of AmCham best office committees where all details are being discussed and proposals made. Final material will be published and distributed as usually in September 2013. Check the last year´s issue HERE.

Overall theme: Future of Work

Major trends:

  1. Mobile Office 
  2. Competitiveness 
  3. Cooperation of Businesses with Universities
  4. Outsourcing vs. Insourcing
  5. Finance
  6. Diversity
  7. Energy Conservation
  8. New Technologies

If your company would like to present a case study or share best business practices and participate on creating the content of the publication please contact Lucie Vrbová at lvrbova@amcham.cz, 733 685 318 or Renáta Paceltová at rpaceltova@amcham.cz, 724 184 866.


Technical details for articles delivery:

  • Lenght: up to 1000 words
  • Language: Czech (+ if possible also English)
  • Attachments:
    o name and exact position of the author
    o photo of the author
    o logo of the company
    o illustrative pictures

Distribution channels:

  • AmCham member companies & their clients
  • Regional Business chambers & their members
  • CzechInvest agencies & their clients
  • Regional Development agencies & their clients
  • Trade offices & their clients
  • Business incubators & their clients

To get more information about advertising options CLICK HERE.

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