Starting March 2013 AmCham Czech Republic in cooperation with its colleagues from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia will publish and distribute a monthly online publication called Tourism Guide highlighting upcoming events and featuring special offers to the members. The publication will have one page for each participating AmCham and all members of participating AmChams will be eligible for the special offer. To get more information read the whole article or contact Lucie Vrbová at
Tourism Guide will be distributed in the first half of the month by all participating AmChams via email to their mailing lists, published on their website and printed compies will be distributed at their events and meetings.
Each country page has four sections: 3 of them can be used by members for free. The first section is the country lead, featuring top event or a hospitality company offer of the month. The second section contains hospitality company offers. The third section features major events and activities in the country in the coming three months. The fourth section is an advertisement banner and serves as an extra paid promotion.
Publishing the offer or mentioning the event is the subject of decision of country AmCham that will be based on membership categories.
If you are interested to publish your offers and events please contact Lucie Pokorná at The deadline for delivery each month´s contributions is 1st day in a month.
If you want to use this unique opportunity to promote your company/event/offer even more you can buy an advertisement. Each month one horizontal banner located on our country page is available. Twice a year we will offer also Full page ad. If you are interested to advertise please contact Lucie Vrbová at
Advertisement prices:
• Horizontal Country page banner: CZK 5.000,- (bonus 1 week banner on
• Full page ad: CZK 20.000,- (bonus 2 weeks headliner on
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