Thanks to its members’ donations, AmCham will allocate CZK 520.000 among 11 Czech public schools through the whole country. The support goes to school projects that bring active youngsters together with local government representatives through realization of something beneficial for local community.
By this program, AmCham members would like to foster active participation in communities and help with building trust among young people and local governments. The chamber believes that active participation in society is crucial for each democracy. Working on a project should also help children to implement theoretical knowledge in practice and communicate in English, since project proposal and a final report should be delivered in English.
Funds for the One World, Many Voices program come from donations of AmCham members mostly, made at the Thanksgiving Ball either through purchasing corporate tables or bidding in the Silent Auction.
Projects were evaluated according to following criteria: purpose and objectives of the project, positive effect on the community; involvement of class/school, local community/public, local government or its office; long term sustainability of the project; value for money.
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Supported Projects
School as a community center of the village (development of cultural life in the village)
ZŠ a MŠ Deblín
Details: Development of rich cultural program, based on research among local community. There are involved pupils of the 9th class, school parliament, teachers and parents, seniors, local community, municipal government. Budget items include projection screen, projector, and stackable chairs.
You can see us but cannot hear us - school theatre group in Paseka
ZŠ Paseka, okr. Uničov
Let's Read (a self-service library for children and adults from neighborhood)
The Garden of friendship and understanding
Details: School garden cultivation and opening to local community, cooperation with the Club of Pensioners, the Club of Czech Tourists and the Gardeners’ Club. The school will organize a big environmental educational event (Three days for the nature). The garden should become a place for intergenerational meetings, social events, and leisure activities. The budget would be spent for garden cultivation, samples of rocks and minerals for education trail, material for the event Three days for the nature.
Meeting Park (community meeting park)
Learn in nature – natural classroom
The Garden of Knowledge (public garden in front of the school)
Details: Building a garden in front of the school that would be used not only by pupils, but also by parents, tourists, cyclists, kindergarten children. Project prepared by pupils of the 6th grade, other pupils, teachers, local community and municipal office will cooperate on realization. Budget will be used for pavement works, trees, outside furniture.
One Step, Many Advantages (park and safe way to the school)
One World, Many Traditions (English and social events in the community)
English silent singing (social integration)
Mini GLOBE Games (Terrain competition with ecological themes)
Details: The grammar school students organize a complex environment competition for basic school children. The budget would be used for various measuring instruments used during the competition and other projects monitoring quality of environment. They will work with local municipality to communicate about quality of local environment.
For more information about the One World, Many Voices program please contact Eva Chvalkovska at
Details about project realizations will be also published at
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