Updated Festival Česká inovace - An Innovator's Day: Panel Discussions, Workshops and Innovation/Cooperation Awards

Winners of the Ceska inovace, Best Cooperation and the Technology Agency Award competitions were announced at the Festival Česká inovace conference.
Check the press release from the conference (in Czech), photo gallery and presentations of speakers (please, contact us if you cannot download the presentation you are interested in). The next conference will be held on February 27, 2013.

The full list of winners in 4 innovation-related categories is available here. The winners of the Best Cooperation Competition 2011:

1. České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Výzkumné centrum pro strojírenskou výrobní techniku a technologii & TOS Varnsdorf, a.s.: Mechatronic concept of horizontal machines
2. České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní, Ústav dopravních systémů & DuPont CZ s.r.o.: The use of the Butacite ® waste material as a way to improve roads
2.   Vysoká škola chemicko technologická v Praze & KEMA stavební materiály s.r.o. & Jan Cervenka-restaurator: The KEMASAN 590 Parget
3. Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Fakulta chemické technologie, Ústav organické technologie & Aroma Praha, a.s.: The Technology of the Arosantol Aroma

The Award of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic won the project Nurseries with Technical Skills Development Program run by Vysoké učení technické v Brně & PREFA KOMPOZITY, a.s. & Základní škola a Mateřská škola Pramínek, o. p. s. & Česká manažerská asociace, o.s. & EGP INVEST, spol. s r.o.

The aim of the Best Cooperation Award project is to highlight and promote the best joint research projects conducted by universities and the industry in order to foster applied research and improve the quality and popularity of technical study programs in the Czech Republic. The project is run by the American Chamber of Commerce and the Association for Foreign Investment within the CIN/Ceska inovace Platform.

Details about winners of the Best Cooperation competition are available here.

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