Open Government Partnership – the Action Plan approved by the Czech Government

OGP is an international initiative by the US administration to support effective, transparent and accountable governments and its state administration. Since September 8 founding governments together with 47 governments joined the OGP. The Action Plan of the Czech Republic was approved on April 4 and reacts on a need to improve access to data, improve effectivity of the state administration and encourages public participation in decision-making processes at national level.

The three main areas, which were based on public discussion included in the Action Plan are:

- the adoption of an Act on Civil Servants, which should ensure depoliticisation, professionalization and stabilization of public administration,
- streamlining the system of free access to information,
- to improve an access to data and information.

The Czech Republic will evaluate compliance of the Action Plan by May 31 2013 and will present the results together with and update of the Action Plan to the Open Government Partnership initiative by 30 June 2013.

The press release in Czech is available here.

The full text of the Action plan in English you can find here.

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