Council of the Platform for Transparent Public Tenders met April 20 to discuss two sets of Platform's comments on the draft amendment to the Act on Public Procurement. A letter supported by part of the Platform members was submitted as a joint position to the Ministry for Regional Development.
Below you will find summary of the comments submitted to the Ministry for Regional Development (in English and Czech).
Comments to the proposed amendment Act on Public Procurement were officially supported by:
Americká obchodní komora v ČR / American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
Asociace malých, středních podniků a živnostníků ČR / Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic
Britská obchodní komora v ČR / British Chamber of Commerce Czech Republic
Česko-německá obchodní a průmyslová komora / Czech-German Indutry and Trade Chamber
Českomoravská konfederace odborových svazů / Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions
Institut členů správních orgánů / Czech Institute of Directors
Kanadská obchodní komora v ČR / Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Koalice pro transparentní podnikání / Coalition for Transparent Business
Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová / Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party
Severská obchodní komora / Nordic Chamber of Commerce
Svaz měst a obcí ČR / Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
Svaz průmyslu a dopravy ČR / Confederation of Industry and Trade
Transparency International
Petr Bratský, Občanská demokratická strana /ODS - Civic Democratic Party
František Korbel, Ministerstvo spravedlnosti ČR, Strana zelených / Ministry of Justice, Green Party
Jan Farský, TOP 09, MP (with objections to commencts no. 4 and 5 beyond 39 measures of the Platform for Transparent Public Tenders)
Česká komora architektů / Czech Chamber of Architects (with objections)
The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic is a regular member of the Platform for Transparent Public Contracts. The Platform is a forum where public sector institutions, political parties, business associations and non-governmental organisations meet to discuss ways of improving public procurement in the Czech Republic. The first step is a proposal of amendments to the Act on Public Procurement (39 principles and comments that go beyond 39 principles). The second step is the initiative Recommendations for Supplier Disclosure. Any company engaged in public procurement is invited to sign and implement recommendations outlined in a document Recommendations for Supplier Disclosure to promote transparent and efficient public procurement. Further steps include improvement of public procurement at the regional and municipal levels, effective prosecution of breaches of the law, and creation of a watchdog network that would monitor implementation of the law. The Platform was established in spring 2010.
For more information about the Platform, please, visit
Contact person: Katarina Bendikova,
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