AmCham EU supports the current compromise on the recast of the RoHS Directive

Today the European Parliament will hold its plenary vote on the Recast of the RoHS Directive. The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) has followed the RoHS Directive closely through every step of the legislative process, and is aware of all the hard work which has gone into the current compromise. We welcome the recognition of key exclusions, the deletion of Annex III and the fact that no new substance restrictions are imposed before the establishment of a risk-based methodology with stakeholder input.

There are however some areas where clarification is needed and therefore  AmCham EU looks forward to working closely with the European Commission and Member State authorities in the drafting of implementation guidelines, to ensure that the Directive is implemented effectively, sends a clear message to the market and reduces legal uncertainty for industry.



For more information contact:

AmCham EU: Anna McNally, Communications Director
Email: Direct: +32 (0)2 289 10 16

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