Platform for Transparent Public Tenders

AmCham has launched a project „Platform for transparent public tenders“. The aim is to bring together all major political parties, private sector associations and chambers, and relevant governmental bodies...

to agree what are the major principles that have to be implemented into the current system to make it more transparent and effective.

The participation in the initial meeting was confirmed by Ministry for Regional Development, Ministry of Finance, Competition Office, Czech-Moravian Confederation of Labor Unions, Union of Towns and Municipalities, Union of Regions, KDU-ČSL, Green Party, ODS, ČSSD, TOP 09, Public Affairs (Věci veřejné), Občané.cz, European Democratic Party, Confederation of Industry and Transport, Economic Chamber of Commerce (Hospodářská komora ČR), Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts, Transparency International, Association for Foreign Investment, British Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dutch-Czech Chamber of Commerce, Nordic Chamber of Commerce, and Czech Institute of Directors.
A joint expert task force is to be set-up and start operating as of March 25. The task force would deliver a solution-based material at the beginning of May so that all involved political parties could commit to legislating & supporting legislative changes based on the material after the elections, no matter what the composition of the new Government would be. We believe that the paragraphed version of an amendment to the Public Procurement Act (should this be an outcome of the experts´ discussions) should best be drafted by the Ministry for Regional Development.
The platform will also establish a task force to draft a code of best practices for companies bidding for public contracts.
AmCham, as any other member of the platform, can appoint one person into the task force. However, we would like to call on all members who would like to contribute to positions that are to be advocated by the business associations in the task force, to contact Iveta Havlová at or 602 736 797 and talk to her about ways you can be a part of this project.

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