AmCham Discusses Future of High Education

The AmCham Knowledge Economy Task Force met with prof. Petr Matějů, a head of the the governmental team for reform of Tertiary Education and a member of the Government’s Council for Research and Development...

on June 2. The goal of the meeting was to discuss possible AmCham´s role in implementing reforms of R&D and  education.

Prof. Matějů stressed out that the reform of R&D is almost complete, with the new legal regulation in place and the new Agency for applied research to be established in the coming months. He sees more space for AmCham’s activities in the area of reform of tertiary education that is now in a critical moment. The White Book approved by the Government should now be once more discussed with all the stakeholders and then transformed into new laws.

Among the key elements of the reform are: to establish a demand-driven tertiary education (today, only 50% of applicants can be admitted!), to open door for private financing, to reform governance of universities (an enhanced role of Boards of Trustees-správní rady), to link universities to labor market, to facilitate partnership with industry.
Prof. Matějů suggested a co-operation with AmCham on two projects:
1)       A survey among external stakeholders of the Czech high education. For details, please see the invitation to a Knowledge Economy Task Force on June 25 on The full version of the White Book can also be downloaded there.
2)       A conference on the reform of the Czech high education with participation of OECD experts presenting results of their audit of the White Paper. The conference will be held on October 15 – 17 and AmCham is invited to nominate two speakers.

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