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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
9.10.2018, 15:30 - 9.10.2018, 17:00
Dušní 10/907 Show on map
Can Minister of Health Adam Vojtech's push to improve performance shift the way hospital operate? Whether it can is likely the key to how successful the government's desire to rewire the health care system from volume-oriented to outcome-based performance.
Pavel Veprek has been a leading advocate of outcome-based health care policy, and one of the inspirations for the current package of reforms proposed by Minister Vojtech. He now has put himself at the junction between theory and reality by joining the executive board of Plzen regional hospitals.
Mr. Veprek will be the first in a series of speakers discussing the practical details of introducing outcome-based policy on a day-to-day basis. He will present his experience for 30 minutes, and then answer questions from the audience.
The audience will determine whether the session is in English or Czech.
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