What do salespeople must do to succeed with today's customers?_Capacity Full

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


28.04.2016, 10:30 - 28.04.2016, 12:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


What do salespeople (and entrepreneurs and businesses) must do to succeed with today's customers · What is the one word that is killing your chances with today's customers and why they say "No" so often. · What is the mindset that salespeople must adopt to increase their chances of success. · Why "selling" is not the activity they should expect to be doing 80% of their time (unless they have Marketing handing them over ready-to-buy leads). · What is missing from salespeople's requests for an appointment or order. · What is the best reaction to a customer's objection. · Two skills that should replace the "ability to argue convincingly" when you look for salespeople. In 90 minutes, Miroslav Princ , telephone prospecting trainer and author of the book Jak uspět při obchodním telefonování, that sold over 5000 copies in two years, will explain why most salespeople (and companies) call customers "from the past" and how to bridge this "time gap" to improve sales efficiency. ---------------------------- Registrations: online or at registration@amcham.cz. Contact person: Lucie Vrbová, lvrbova@amcham.cz, 733 685 318

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