What did parties teach us about marketing in the 2017 campaign?

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


28.11.2017, 09:00 - 28.11.2017, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Jakub Horák led campaign of the Pirate Party in 2017 election - and they got over 8 % votes more than in last election. Jaroslav Poláček  was in charge of TOP 09's campaign and Radim Hejduk  was very active at Facebook with more than 17 000 followers during ČSSD's campaign. What did the parties do differently in the campaign that we can translate into our online strategies? Petr Andrýsek from Socialsharks will break down what worked and what did not on social media during the election campaign, and analyze what it means for your business.


Discussion driven by: Petr Andrýsek of  Socialsharks


- Jakub Horák

- Jaroslav Poláček

- Radim Hejduk

- others


Language: English / Czech

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