Tenants Forum


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


22.06.2011, 17:00 - 22.06.2011, 19:00


Four Seasons Hotel Prague, Veleslavínova 2A/1098, Praha 1 Show on map


Am Cham and CB Richard Ellis invite members of Amcham to participate in a Tenants Forum, focusing on all commercial real estate occupiers. The ideal participant will be either a managing\finance director, a real estate manager or an office manager who has been involved in the relocation of the business and\or is responsible for day to day real estate matter within the business. Panel discussion will comprise of; - Michael Mullen of Havel, Holásek & Partners (real estate lawyer) - Katarína Wojtusiak of CB Richard Ellis (tenant representation agent) - Steven Tichy of AIG/ Lincoln (landlord) - Michal Melč of Telefónica CR, MRICS (tenant) - Jana Vlachová of Česká spořitelna (tenant) - Richard Curran of CB Richard Ellis (moderator) All AmCham members are invited to attend to make up what we expect to be a very interactive audience. Amongst the topics that will be up for discussion are: · Current rental levels - landlords or tenants market? Incentives available (rent free periods, fit-out contributions) · Renegotiation - when to renegotiate your lease · Service Charges - what should be included? What should management charges be? Can these be capped? · Lease Terms - ideal lease length, break clauses, expansion\contraction options · Other tenants issues - non DPH payment, sub-lease and assignment, competition clauses · Any other topics suggested by the discussion group or audience Contact person: Lucie Vrbová, lvrbova@amcham.cz.

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