Taming the E-mail and Office Clutter Beasts


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


20.03.2009, 09:00 - 20.03.2009, 11:00


AmCham Offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


If you would like to get control of “the beast” of information overload, you should attend Randall Dean’s Taming the E-mail/Info Overload Beast program. Learn how to tame your e-mail account, with proven strategies for keeping your inbox efficient and under control. Learn how to reduce the mess on your desk by having “natural” places for all of your papers, project folders, items to read, etc., to go. Learn how to get rid of all of the annoying “little stuff” once and for all, and then keep it under control for the ongoing future. And finally feel on top of the information that you are responsible for, rather than feeling it is on top of you. Speaker: Randall Dean, Randall Dean Consulting & Training, LLC Contact person: Nikola Nagyová, nnagyova@amcham.cz, GSM: +420-733-389-373

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