Stress Management and Communication - Management and Psychological View (Seminar) CAPACITY FULL!!


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


15.06.2010, 09:00 - 15.06.2010, 11:00


andel's hotel Prague****de luxe, Stroupeznickeho 21, Praha 5 Show on map


Supported by: andel's hotel Prague****de luxe (Vienna International Hotels & Resorts) Capacity: 40 people Highlights: - negative and positive stress - role of communication regarding stress - stress related disorders amongst your team - how to spot them, what to do Managing stress has never been more important then nowadays. With companies downsizing, cutting budgets, increased competition, smaller teams and less staff doing more and more work, stress at the workplace and consequently at home has become a steady part of daily life for many. Forms of stress, how and why it builds up, how to manage it in general and which role effective communication plays are some topics of this seminar. Presenters: Marian Ziss, Clinical Psychologist Alex Reidl, Management Consultant & Coach Language: English The seminar is designed especially for Senior Managers. FREE of charge for all AmCham members. Capacity 40 people. For Small Business members: max 1 person For Corporate members: max 2 persons For AmCham Patrons: max 4 persons For more information contact Roman Minarik at or 604-243-665. Presenters' profiles: Marian Marian Ziss is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer. Has experience in clinical work and community development. Founder of Festina Lente Psychology Initiatives. Working in English, Hungarian and Hebrew. ( Alex Alex is a self employed Management Consultant and Coach, specialized on Leadership Coaching, operational and strategic Management and Marketing Consulting. He also trains soft skills and teaches some MBA courses. Before opening his own business Alex led a very successful global Marketing/PR & Sales career in the automotive industry with Mercedes-Benz, BMW Group and Volvo Car Corporation. He has been a senior Manager with personnel responsibility for over 10 years. Having worked and/or lived in Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Dubai, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, Sweden, UK and the US Alex’ brings a vast experience of intercultural Management and Marketing experience to his clients.

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