Roundtable on Regulation of Unions in Labor Legislation


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


27.03.2008, 09:00 - 27.03.2008, 11:00


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Following the long awaited ruling of the Constitutional Court on March 13 that has decreased supervision competences and limited some other rights of Unions of employess, AmCham will hold a discussion roundtable on Unions´ role. JUDr. Bořivoj Šubrt, a member of the working group set up by Minister Nečas to write a substantial amendment to the Labor Code, will present on details of the ruling and will delimitate some starting positions for possible changes regarding regulation of Unions. The roundtable will take place on March 27, 9 - 11 am at the Chamber offices at Dušní 10, Prague 1 and will be held in Czech language.

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