American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
1.12.2010, 09:00 - 1.12.2010, 11:00
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
The main purpose of the roundtable is to share experience and collect opinions related to the following issues concerning the accounting profession: - lack of legal regulation regarding the preconditions in offering accounting services on an independent basis (zivnostensky zakon allows to act as an independent accountant without having any kind of professional education and / or verifiable experience) - comparison of the accounting profession to the tax advisors and auditors professions bearing in mind the close relation between tax and accounting law - planed changes to the act on accounting (aimed at even closer link between the tax and the accounting outputs) - the experience in dealing with a certified accountant (ACCA or Czech certification) compared to non certified one as an employer e.g. within a finance department or within an accountancy firm team - the experience in dealing with certified independent accountant compared to non certified one as a customer - the importance of the continuous professional development within the accountancy profession and how to guarantee - experience from abroad (e.g. Austria or Latvia) Panelists: Representatives of MPO ČR, KDPČR , KAČR, VŠE, ACCA, Ernst-Young, PwC, KPMG, Deloitte, IB Grant Thornton, SÚ, KCÚ Moderated by Dita Chrastilová, KCÚ. For AmCham members & invited guests. For more information contact Renáta Paceltová at rpaceltova@amcham. Please register at
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