Reducing workplace stress _workshop


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


19.10.2011, 09:00 - 19.10.2011, 13:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


What tools do HR people have to support line managers in creating accommodating working environment and reducing workplace stress? What are the causes of stress in our daily business communication and cooperation? How to understand the five domains of human social experience and how to make use of their knowledge? How to drive communication and cooperation from exhausting misunderstandings to synergy? Get a taste of tools that help us cope with both social and brain-based sources of stress. Get inspired in how to minimize your personal stress and enhance your ability to influence others in professional cooperation. Drivers: Vratislav Kalenda, Senior Consultant, Executive Head, Image Lab Gabriela Schwarzová, Senior Consultant, Knowledge Manager, Image Lab

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