POSTPONED (tbc): Roundtable discussion on AirBnb regulation with HMP Councillor Hana Kordova Marvanova


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


14.10.2020, 10:00 - 14.10.2020, 12:00


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AirBnb and similar online platforms sharing accommodation have changed the hospitality environment, particularly in big cities, around the world. While the sharing economy concept is widely supported, online sharing platforms do not always seem to play fair, as they e.g. do not collect the room tax, and do not meet the same hygiene standards as pensions and hotels need to. Most of the big cities have decided to ban or strictly regulate it (Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, London etc.). 

How has the City of Prague decided to deal with this issue, to regulate and balance the market? Is the current proposal of HMP to amend Zivnostensky zakon sufficient? Has Covid-19 crisis changed the mindset of decision-makers on national level? The Councillor of the City of Prague Hana Kordova Marvanova will join us for an online roundtable to present the City´s plans and to hear what AmCham community is to propose. 

For more information please feel free to contact Nelly Tomcikova at 


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