Positioned to lead - A workshop that examines how women can develop their leadership skills and be recognized


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


26.03.2014, 09:00 - 26.03.2014, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


In this workshop you will: · Learn, which leadership and management skills companies are looking for. · Understand that the decision to move into leadership is yours and you need to make it · Gain an understanding of the traits that are rightly or wrongly associated with gender · Understand the key role communication plays in leadership and how gender can effect it · Understand how visibility and networking can help you move head · Recognize the challenges women face when moving into leadership positions You will gain: · Some traits that can make you a confident, assertive woman in a competitive, male-dominated world · A understanding on how to better navigate some situations · Understand that you are in control despite the challenges · An awareness on how the female decision-making process is viewed · Some tools that can help you gain higher impact in the organization Driver: Kimberli J. Lewis Please, register at registration@amcham.cz or online via www.amcham.cz. Contact person: K. Svobodová, ksvobodova@amcham.cz.

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