Panel discussion on coaching


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


24.03.2009, 09:00 - 24.03.2009, 11:00


Crowne Plaza Prague Castle Hotel, Strahovská 128, Prague 1 Show on map


The Realities of Executive Coaching: Everything you need to know about coaching in order to make an informed decision for you, your staff, and your company It is estimated that as many as 90% of the Fortune Global 500 employ a formal program of executive coaching. Why? Does your staff truly make the most of their strengths? Do they help their colleagues to do so? Do they have constructive political wisdom? Do they have irritating traits which get in the way? Do you? Come and explore how you can leverage executive coaching to achieve these goals. Come and learn, how you can accelerate your professional and personal success. Three top professional Prague-based coaches will offer their perspectives on these questions and this timely and important topic. Speakers: Iveta Clarke, CPCC, Personal Leadership Coach, New Frontiers Pepper de Callier, Chairman, Bubenik Partners Jan Valdinger, Change Partnership A senior management event. For lead member representatives only! Contact person: Martina Kopecna, or 737258089

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