Outlook of changes in taxes, social security and health insurance for 2014 - assessment and practical experience (in Czech)


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


18.02.2014, 14:00 - 18.02.2014, 16:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Several changes of taxation of individuals with negative impact on labor costs are effective as of last year. Mainly solidarity surcharge and cancellation of the maximum assessment base for health insurance contributions deteriorated the ratio between total employer’s costs and employee’s net income. In addition, significant changes have been introduced as of 2014. Based on the results of election polls, an increase in the overall direct tax burden might be expected, including taxes and charges levied on labor. Moreover, there is still the Act on Amendment of Legislation Related to Creation of the Single Collection Point which will be effective as of 2015, unless a new government re-writes it or revokes it. Its application in the current wording would raise the labor costs for most employers due to actual cancellation of the social security and health insurance assessment bases on the employer’s side. Endeavor for its amendment was halted by the government’s fall. Topics for discussion: • What were the actual impacts of the 2013 changes on employers, employees and the state budget, and what effect will the 2014 changes have? • Practical experience – from the employer’s point of view • Might the Czech employers tend to transfer their high-earning employees (and/or assignees) abroad? • Does the uncertainty impair the attractiveness of the Czech Republic from foreign investors’ point of view? • What might be expected and how should the employers prepare for potential alternatives? Panelists: Stanislav Kouba - Ministry of Finance Lucie Rytířová – Deloitte Štěpán Lukeš - IBM Registration: online via amcham.cz or at registration@amcham.cz. Contact person: Veronika Szentiványiová, veronika@amcham.cz.

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