Ostrava Committee


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


27.05.2008, 12:30 - 27.05.2008, 14:30


Restaurant Legend, Hotel Imperial, Tyršova 6, Ostrava Show on map


Agenda: Support of 1st International School in Ostrava and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ostrava Guests: Václav Palička, Head of the Economic Development Department, City of Ostrava; Sylva Drábková, Vice Dean for Foreign and Public Relations, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava The first meeting of newly set up Ostrava committee on how AmCham could be more active in case of member and nonmember companies from Moravian-Silesian Region. The meeting will be held in English. Members of the Committee will meet regularly (every 6 weeks) and work on wish lists for regional infrastructure and create contacts with municipality representatives.

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