Negotiation Skills_workshop_Capacity FULL


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


11.06.2014, 10:00 - 11.06.2014, 12:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Description: Having a strategy leads to negotiation success (a 2-hour workshop) • What is your definition of negotiation success? • Having a structure in mind and following that structure will lead to better negotiation results • What are the different parts of a successful structure? • The Win-Win result is the best for long-term business relationships • How to prepare for the negotiation and increase your confidence with a strategy and a strong backup plan • How to utilize proven and effective closing techniques. • An opportunity to practice negotiation skills with a case study Possible Results: • Improved closing ratio • Improved business results • Less nervousness and more confidence • More win-win agreements • Career enhancement • An ability to get the best deal for your company or yourself Target group: Anyone who would like to improve their skills for a personal or professional negotiation situation Method: A mix of theory and discussion and a case study. Workshop conducted by Jorge Cooper, Partner with Dynargie --------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration: online at or at Contact person for more info: K. Svobodová at

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