Multi-Cultural Management_workshop


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


29.06.2012, 10:00 - 29.06.2012, 12:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


It used to be that change management and managing diversity were treated as special topics within management, but now this has become the norm for international business and we need to incorporate them into our day to day multi-cultural management model. Current Status · country specific labor laws, cultural customs, and work needs (what motivates employees) are still very necessary, but are only the first step · multi-national workplaces are now common, so many people know more about different cultures and styles of management than ever before; we have also learned from the diversity of our own domestic work forces · technology has had both positive and negative effects o people now know more about each other and see the differences and similarities more readily as they are encountered on a daily basis o corporations have worked to build common cultures across borders o technology (SMSs, IMs, etc.) has taken the work focus away from people Conclusion As technology changes quickly and business moves much faster than before, there is now a greater need for much better management practices (people skills) in several areas to ensure the whole organization moves in the same direction, focusing on communication and people. · Setting and communicating clear business goals, objectives that may not be so obvious to all levels of employees, as well as P&P’s which may even be contradictory. · Following good business / management practices - - consistency to give the chance to learn them before they change, as well as managing the entire process of constant change itself. · Applying performance requirements to all, holding everyone to the same corporate standard (including senior managers who set the example as well). This is part of communicating clearly, where behaviors must be in line with stated objectives. Charlotte Sommer I started my working career in the U.S. after studying abroad (in the then-USSR). I did cross-cultural training for other students spending their junior year at universities throughout Europe (Institute for European Studies) as well as for business travelers to countries around the world (Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the USSR). Then I went to live in Costa Rica, with management responsibility for training projects in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Paraguay. I later also worked in Argentina, Sri Lanka and Uruguay for extended periods of time. Since 1993, I have lived and worked in Prague, often with responsibility for operations management in the Central and Eastern Europe regions of multi-nationals. I have completed HR and risk management projects outside of the region, in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore and Turkey. I also delivered management training (workshops and on-going coaching) to newly-appointed managers from 15 of the countries served by Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. I have worked for multi-national corporations (in telecommunications / technology as well as professional service and FMCG sectors), government agencies (both US and international), small family-owned businesses, as well as with local partner businesses and NGOs. I currently provide management and organizational development training and consulting to clients doing business in the region.

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