Moderated panel discussion on Female leadership and diversity management


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


19.03.2009, 09:00 - 19.03.2009, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Panel of top corporate leaders from global companies to discuss issues related to diversity management and equal opportunity. This event will provide an opportunity to talk about some important HR issues. Speakers: 1. Markus Köhler, HR Lead, MICROSOFT, s.r.o. 2. Jana Riebová, Director, Human Resources Division, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s. 3. Jitka Schmiedová, HR Director, Česká spořitelna, a.s. Moderator: Vera M. Budway-Štrobach, Program Manager, Corporate Culture & Leadership Development, Human Resources Department, Česká spořitelna, a.s., Member of AmCham HR Committee Topics: 1. Gender quotas and targets: do they help promote female talent or are they counterproductive 2. Diversity as a competitive advantage and performance driver – what are companies doing to promote diversity? Should diversity be in KPIs of management? 3. Talent management programs for women: are women professionals getting enough support and encouragement to take on challenging assignments? Are they being nominated to participate in executive development programs? 4. Best practice/examples: what are leading companies doing to actively support female leadership development? What are they doing to create a gender friendly work environment? Work-life balance? Reintegrating women back into the workforce after maternity leave?

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