American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
25.06.2015, 09:00 - 25.06.2015, 10:30
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
Regular meeting of AmCham Marketing & Communications Committee. Special 15 min talk on "Mobile Friendly Websites" will be incorporated. Michal Spěváček of Spěváček vzdělávací centrum will be a facilitator of a talk. Given the rate at which the mobile web is growing, it’s becoming crucial that your website is compatible with different devices and screen sizes. Google announced that, effective from April 21, 2015, it will update its search algorithm so that mobile friendly sites will rank higher than non-mobile friendly sites in mobile search results. Despite the specter of losing their positions in Google search results the majority of Czech companies still has mobile unfriendly websites. Is it worth investing in responsive web design right now? Come to discuss what you think. Registration: online or at If you don´t know your password, please send us an email. To find out more about Marketing & Communications Committee´s activities please contact Lucie Vrbová at
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