Managing Virtual Teams followed by IT committee meeting

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


16.05.2017, 09:00 - 16.05.2017, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Educational brief on Managing Virtual Teams vs. co-located teams. Best practices to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of Virtual Teams. Followed by regular meeting of IT(IT/Telco/Logistics) committee members ( starting at 10am).

A/Managing Virtual teams (VTS) vs. co-located teams.

  • What are VTS?
  • Advantages/ Disadvantages from managerial/company/employee perspective.
  • Common Issues in dealing with VTS.
  • Slutions and best practices to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of VTS.
  • Trends
  • easily implementable steps to improve efficiency and effectiveness of VTS

Led by Mark Wiedorn -

B/Starting 10 am - Regular IT committee meeting will follow -  Agenda:

1)Planning further activities -  2 areas to be discussed and prepared as possible topics for discussions:

  • Trends in IoT / best practices in selected sectors
  • Processing Innovations

2) List of other topics suggested by members

3) AmCham member´s portal of activities - how to use it to promote your company/events

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