American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
19.05.2015, 10:00 - 19.05.2015, 11:00
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
How to save yourself trouble and considerable costs when handling innovative ideas of your employees
Target audience: IT Directors & Supervisors, Business Directors of both the Czech-based and international companies.
The seminar is intended for direct supervisors of the employees who participate in the creation and development of technology (e.g. software developers or engineers) and content (e.g. journalists, designers or architects) as the key players in maintaining the good relationship with the individual employees.
The aim of the seminar is to provide the attendees with a practical guideline how to handle the relationship with Czech employees in connection with their innovative ideas, taking into consideration specifics of the Czech law and culture.
International companies often apply their unified intellectual property policies globally, which typically do not reflect specifics of particular countries in which their subsidiaries are located. On the other hand, Czech-based companies, knowing this approach of the international players, use the international policies based on foreign law and culture as inspiration. This approach may cause significant problems in the relationship with the employees, including doubts about ownership of the created content/technology.
Mr. Knowledge: Lenka Nová & Ondřej Antoš of Squire Patton Boggs
Mr. Skill: Pavel Novák, Negotiation Trainer. Game Changer.
The seminar combines the hard skills (so called „Mr. Knowledge“ part) and the soft skills (so called „Mr. Skill“ part) to help participants address the complexity of the topic in more organized and pragmatic way.
We will share the best and worst practices regarding the following three critical stages when the mutual rights and obligations of the employer and the employee may be set up:
1) Employment Contract Stage: How to negotiate a robust and favourable employment contract before encountering any practical problems? How to set up the rules that the employees will be willing to follow?
2) Particular innovation/creation of work: What to be careful about and what steps should you take when an innovative idea is disclosed by the employee to protect the employer’s rights and to keep the employee loyal and motivated?
3) Termination of the Employment Contract: How to prepare for and act during termination of the mutual working contract, especially how to minimize risk of adverse actions?
Benefits for participants:
· Awareness of ways to mitigate potential risks connected with development and creation of technology and content.
· Clear information about the binding legal framework: To which extent can you apply foreign law (e.g. law of California or England)? Key distinctions between Czech and typically used laws of foreign states.
· Legal and behavioural tips for the three critical stages.
· Suggestions for preventive measures.
· Examples of good and bad practices.
Registration: online under the company password or by email at
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