Leadership Meeting on Values & How to communicate them internally - CAPACITY FUll


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


16.01.2015, 08:00 - 16.01.2015, 10:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Leadership Meeting on Values & How to communicate them internaly, How to Communicate and Integrate Your Core Values Into Your Organization: - Values and their impact on business results - Role of values in the company culture - Conflicts of written and unwritten company values - Role of leaders in establishing and guarding the company values and other areas/best practices will be shared on this special Leadership meeting of CEOs/GMs ------------- Registration: only by email at rpaceltova@amcham.cz Format: Infomal session/breakfast of GMs/CEOs for sharing their best practices, for being inspired by other GMs of other sectors, and by experts from this field.

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